Friday, April 8, 2011

20 Minute Burlap Pillows

So I am in LOVE with all the burlap I've been seeing! I wanted to try and make some pillows but went the "no sew" route with my handy dandy notebook glue gun (Blues Clues anyone?). I had bought 2 yards of burlap at Hobby Lobby for maybe $3.50 a while back, knowing I'd be using it for something eventually! I only needed maybe half a yard to make these 2 pillows and it only took 20 minutes :)

The prints are from the computer and I used transfer paper to get them on there. I bough the bird with a crown for $2.50 on Etsy and the other one I just found for free.

They were super easy but next time I might try to make them bigger (I just need a bigger picture!) and maybe a pillow insert rather than polyfill...

But overall I think they are pretty cute ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bathroom Redo Phase 2

Back to work! The texture was dry and the painting was next. I heard that Frog Tape was better than blue tape but after it was all said and done I really did not see any difference. I will try the frog tape again on another project to be sure though.

 I LOVE RED. I am trying to phase out of it through out my house just because I need some change every so often but this is the one small room that is going to scream RED :) It's a deeper red and since it's a boys bathroom I think it will be perfect...right?

SO...on to the beadboard. I wanted it to stop around eye level since I am going to add a plate rail for pictures (or things) to sit on so sweet hubby did the cutting and I gave him the measurements...cause I was
project manager :) We He took the baseboards off (They were REALLY hard to get off!) and got down to business.

Look at Justin's woodworking skills :)...really Caulk will be our best friend when this is all said and done but you have to admit it's pretty good for a first timer!

Our boys are like bulls in a china shop so until we get the door stops put back on...we have to wrap all the doorknobs so that they don't crush the paneling. A bit ghetto.

Here is one wall with the paneling up and half of the plate rail! I am SO happy with how it is all coming along!! It's looks like a hurricane came through though and TONS of trial and error pieces all over....

And the hubs trimmed out the mirror!! I swear this one step alone makes SUCH a huge difference in a bathroom. It takes it from builder to custom in less than an hour...or so...right Justin??

Check out the cute butt ;)

 I was shlumpadinka'n and did not wanna be in that picture lol..

Well we are about half way done and hoping to have phase 3 (and hopefully last) up in a week or 2 (we're only really able to work on it for a few hours on the weekends since those darn children need so much attention!!...just a kiddin' )...and that's probably pushing it...but it will be DONE by the end of April!

Beadboarding the Upstairs Bathroom

What did we get ourselves into?? What I thought would be a weekend project has turned into a month long one. Not that I am complaining really...I am so happy with how it's coming along!

First the idea was simple...take down the wall paper in that hideous bathroom.

This took about a week since I could only work on it a few hours each day....I knew I was going to hang beadboard so I left the wallpaper on the bottom half.

Then I found a guy to come in and spray texture for me and he did great! Much better than the guy that did our downstairs texture (Craiglist is a hit or miss).

I asked for knockdown rather than orange peel :)

Next on the list...

Paint the walls....Take off baseboards...Add beadboard...Trim out the mirror...Add a plate rail...Caulk and Paint everything...Rip out old flooring...Put in new flooring...Add new baseboards...Add corner pieces....and the list goes ON!! Listing out all these steps really makes me hope I like the finished product!!

I will update later tonight with more progress!